Product Detail

Safawi Kalmi Dates

These dates are carefully harvested and packed to ensure their freshness and quality. They are free from any preservatives or additives, making them a natural and healthy snack for people of all ages.

SKU: SAFA-01 Category: Tag:

Safawi Kalmi Dates are a premium quality product that is loved by date enthusiasts all around the world. These dates are nurtured and grown in the heart of Saudi Arabia, where the perfect soil and climate conditions give them their unique taste and texture.Safawi Kalmi Dates are known for their soft and juicy texture, with a rich and sweet taste that melts in your mouth. They are carefully handpicked and sorted to ensure that only the finest dates are selected for packaging.

These dates are not only delicious but also provide numerous health benefits. They are packed with essential nutrients, vitamins, and minerals, making them a great addition to your diet. They are also a great source of natural energy and can help boost your immune system.

Safawi Kalmi Dates come in convenient and resealable packaging that ensures the dates stay fresh for longer. They are perfect as a snack on-the-go, or as a healthy addition to your meals and desserts.

Indulge in the delicious taste of Safawi Kalmi Dates and experience the goodness of nature in every bite.

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